Installation and usage instructions


  • Julia, minimum v1.8.5 and tested up to v1.10.2. You can find installation instructions here.

Installation of ReSiE:

  1. Get a copy: git clone
  2. Switch into the ReSiE root directory: cd /path/to/resie
  3. Start the julia REPL with julia
  4. Switch to the package REPL with ] (no enter necessary)
  5. Activate the project environment: activate .
  6. Install and precompile required packages: instantiate. This should create a file Manifest.toml in the ReSiE root directory
  7. Exit out of the package REPL with shortcut Ctrl+c
  8. Exit out of the julia REPL with exit() or shortcut Ctrl+d

Usage of ReSiE:

A full description of how to use ReSiE on the examples it ships with can be found in this chapter. In the following an abbreviated version:

  1. Switch into project directory: cd /path/to/resie
  2. Run the simulation with julia --project=. src/resie-cli.jl examples/simple_heat_pump.json
  3. The outputs as well as log files can be found in the output folder. The simulation should run without errors and produce a file called output/output_plot.html which, when opened in a browser, shows an interactive plot of simulation results.

Usage of ReSiE with VS Code

In Visual Studio Code, you can make configuration in the file .vscode/launch.json that is automatically created when you open the local ReSiE-folder with VS Code. Use the following example configure to run ReSiE directly from VS Code (copy into the launch.json). To run a specific input file, use the configuration "Run ReSiE from defined input file":

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [

            "name": "Run active Julia file",
            "type": "julia",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "${file}",
            "stopOnEntry": false,
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "juliaEnv": "${command:activeJuliaEnvironment}",
            "name": "Run ReSiE from defined input file",
            "type": "julia",
            "request": "launch",
            "stopOnEntry": false,
            "program": "path/to/resie/cli/resie-cli.jl",
            "cwd": "path/to/resie/folder/",
            "juliaEnv": "${command:activeJuliaEnvironment}",
            "args" : ["path/to/input_file.json"]